Revija za socijalnu politiku, Svezak 29, Br. 1 (2022)

Veličine fonta:  Mali  Srednji  Veliki

Ideological Entanglements of Family Policy and Their Consequences – Could the Charter of Family Rights Help to Solve the Dilemmas?

Tadeusz Kamiński


Decisions related to family policy are the results of settlement of axiological dilemmas, understood as the necessity to make a choice between different types of good. These settlements are made on the basis of adopted and implemented ideologies. The article discusses the main assumptions of family policy in the liberal, conservative, social liberal and feminist perspective. Then it presents selected consequences of ideological entanglement of family policy on the example of state interference in matrimonial and procreation decisions, the right to raise children and to reconcile parental and professional obligations. The final part of the text discusses the Charter of the Rights of the Family as an example of a proposal that aims to go beyond the strict ideological framework of state policy towards the family.

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Revija za socijalnu politiku (Online). ISSN: 1845-6014